Mols 28/12-2013

The last trip of the year with Thomas and Carsten to Mols wadefishing for sea trout. This time of year it is good to be mobile in order to find the fish as a lot of the fish are in the streams spawning. We started in Knebel Vig and gave it a shot for an hour without any luck and then we moved to Rolsøgård where we got 3 small trouts. After a break we moved to Vrinners were we got 7 more and then we called it a day.

2013-12-28 15.03.02

The standard size of the day.


2013-12-28 15.20.38The biggest fish of the day but still too small.

I got 6 fish and lost a few so some action but I would like to see a keeper. But next year this will change – I hope