Udbyhøj, 23/8-2014

A friendly competition between Bombay fly, Djurs flyfishers and the Sport fishing girls took place at Udbyhøj. The competition was announced as a mullet competition but not many mullets have been seen this summer. I started out early in the morning with Henrik and we both fished from pontoon boats and we started to move into the fjord with the rising water but a against a heavy wind. Before I had my new outboard engine started (I forgot to open the fuel valve) Henrik got a small trout but after that we did not see or feel anything for hours. I went back to the harbour to have breakfast with som of the Bombay Guys and on the way I got a garfish.

2014-08-23 11.26.41

After this break I went to the outer part of the fjord and here I found some trouts but as you can see too small. So after a few hours I returned for lunch – eating was apparently an essential part of the trip. Lasse, Jan and Simon had found some mullets in the harbour and Jan had a mullet that took his fly but spit it very soon.



At lunch time, the girls showed up but they knew when to arrive as Georgina caught this nice 20 inch trout that to my knowledge was the best fish of the day. So the girls won this round but we hope to get a revenge another time maybe at the Fly cup in Mariager next month.