Mariager Fjord 18/6 2010

An evening trip with Thomas and Jan to yet another spot in Mariager. We arrived a bit late so less than half an hour after we started Jan got a very nice 50 cm trout. He was very pleased as it was a beautiful trout and it had been some since he last succeeded with the trout in the salt water. We fished most of the time more or less into the wind, but as it produced fish it was just an extra challenge and not an annoyance.

Later Thomas got a 45  cm trout and I jumped one.  In the end I saved a bit of reputation by getting a minimum sized fish which was released. We saw several fish jumping but did not have more contact but once again a succesful trip. We have to do it again soon.

2 Responses

  1. hello.
    we are making vocation in helberskov.
    could you please tell me a good Spot in the Near of als odde for Trout? that would be real nice. at als odde i had no luck. thanks

    • At the moment it is very hot and I think it will be hard to find the trouts in Mariager Fjord at the moment. I do not have the experience fishing in this kind of heat in Mariager, but if I had to I would go for the night and early morning time. Sorry, but this is my best bet.

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