My stripping basket –


✔ Best in test | Most Innovative, Durable and Light Weight Stripping Basket – Cones and Rod Holder. 2 years warranty. App. 58 USD shipping included!

✔ This innovative stripping basket comes with adjustable belt for xs to xxxl.

✔ The discrete green colour don’t scare the fish due to low reflection material.

✔ The stripping basket have been tested for it’s durability til well below freezing point.

✔ The build-in handle facilitates the use of the basket as a wading stick.

✔ No protruding edges

✔ Price approximately 58 USD – world wide shipping included


Welcome to my blog where you can read about my fishing and about my stripping basket.

Read about my stripping basket on or in the category “about my stripping basket

Description of my stripping basket


  • Cones in the bottom are the best way to minimize problems with the shooting line. Here the number and the placement are optimized.
  • In a large stripping basket, the shooting line is easy to place and with more room for the flyline, less problems occur. This is naturally most important when you have a lot of flyline in the basket, i.e., when you are making long casts.
  • Low weight and the curved back improves the comfort.



  • No protruding edges on the inside or outside can catch the flyline.


  • Built in handle to facilitate transport.
  • Quality buckle mounted on a 50 mm wide belt ensures comfort and makes it easy to release the belt.
  • Belt holes with “anti-twist” and tight tolerances prevent twisting of the belt and minimize unintended water leakage.
  • The stripping basket is made from a special polypropylene for minimum weight, maximum strength at low and high temperatures and resistance to UV radiation.



  • Built in rod holder.
  • Discrete colour.
  • To order

Stripping basket in the art


Painting by the danish artist Peter Carlsen.  It is  called “Villy is hooked up”

Position of the stripping basket

Most fly fishers prefer to position the stripping basket on the front but some find it more convenient to position the basket to side of the line hand. Here the rule is: do as you feel comfortable with. It depends on your double haul, your way of stripping the line etc. Here is shown a side position.

As a kitchen table

Once in the most northern part af Sweden we wanted sashimi (slices of raw fish served with soya and wasabi – sushi without rice) so I needed to fillet a brown trout. As we went there by helicopter we were on strict limitations regarding weight, so we did not bring any table. The was turned upside down and I could fillet the trout. It was not the best table in the world but it was the best available. By the way everybody loved the sashimi 🙂

As a chair

When you need a rest the will serve as a low chair so you avoid getting sand or pebbles on your expensive waders.

Correct line management

This is the most important tip on how to avoid tangling of the line when using a stripping basket . I have seen many stripping basket users that were not aware of this tip and probably some that skipped the basket due to problems introduced by not knowing this. This little trick is also helpful for any other kind of line keeping device so be attentive.

When you have finished the cast, you start to retrieve the line as normally, but the first yard or so of line you place outside the stripping basket or whatever line keeping device you are using. The rest of the line you retrieve and place in your basket or whatever you are using. Now when you start the casting movement for the next cast, you can move the rod hand freely without pulling in the line lying at the bottom of the basket. In this way the line leaves the basket in the opposite order of how it entered the basket and you will avoid most tangling. If you on the other hand start by pulling in the line placed lowest in the basket, you will for sure turn the pile of line and introduce tangling.

In this little movie you can see the tip. The movie start with a bit of bonefish juggling so be a little patient.

Kysing Næs 20/9-08

Friday 19´th of september.

A late afternoon trip to Kysing Næs in the pontoon boat. I had barely started fishing over the reef with a heavy northern current before I caught a sea trout below the minimum size and only 15 minutes later I got a nice 5 pound-er. Then more fishers arrived. They fished from the shore and from boats. To my knowledge they did not have any luck and I am pretty sure that my luck was to be the first on the spot. Later I met Michael fishing from a belly boat. We did see a few trout jumping but we had no contact. We saw a seal og 3 porpoises only 10 meters away from the pontoon boat – always a nice experience.