My stripping basket –


✔ Best in test | Most Innovative, Durable and Light Weight Stripping Basket – Cones and Rod Holder. 2 years warranty. App. 58 USD shipping included!

✔ This innovative stripping basket comes with adjustable belt for xs to xxxl.

✔ The discrete green colour don’t scare the fish due to low reflection material.

✔ The stripping basket have been tested for it’s durability til well below freezing point.

✔ The build-in handle facilitates the use of the basket as a wading stick.

✔ No protruding edges

✔ Price approximately 58 USD – world wide shipping included


Welcome to my blog where you can read about my fishing and about my stripping basket.

Read about my stripping basket on or in the category “about my stripping basket

Mariager Fjord 21/4 – 2019

A pontoon trip to the middle part of Mariager Fjord with Henrik, Carsten and Finn. The weather was sunny and warm but a light breeze disturbed the surface and that was probably in our favor as the light was very bright.

The first hour not much happened despite the water and the bottom looked very promising this well-known place that I have never fished before.

Carsten got his first ever pontoon boat sea run brown trout though it was not more than 12 cm but it took the fly properly.



Finn first got the first garfish of the year and after lunch he got this nive and well fed trout close to 50 cm.


Later I was lucky and got a 1,8 kg trout that also was very well build, so my wife was happy as I 4 hours later could serve a very fresh fish for dinner.

Limfjorden 5/1 – 2018

It has become a tradition that the new year starts with an oyster trip to Limfjorden with some of the old Bombay guys and some hangarounds. This year it was not as cold as last year and not windy so very good conditions considering the time of year.

Billedet indeholder sandsynligvis: 2 personer, friluftsliv

first we collect the oysters.


Billedet indeholder sandsynligvis: en eller flere personer, friluftsliv og vand

Then we open them


Billedet indeholder sandsynligvis: en eller flere personer og folk, der står

Them the chef Rasmus prepares the chowder


Billedet indeholder sandsynligvis: mad

and some other delicious stuff


Billedet indeholder sandsynligvis: mad


Billedet indeholder sandsynligvis: en eller flere personer og mad

The chowder was served in small hollow bread so you could it your soup bowl. Saves on the dish washing


Billedet indeholder sandsynligvis: 2 personer, friluftsliv

Fantastic cooking in nice surroundings – what is not to like

Triathlon support tool

Lars Ronning a Linekurv user found good alternative use for his Linekurv when he was support for a friend participating in the Norseman Ironman triathlon in Norway. You need a lot of energy to complete this task and it seems like there was room for a lot of energy in the basket. By the way Lars completed the same task some years ago so he is able to more than just carry the calories.

Rena week 27 – 2018

Like the last couple of years we rented an apartment at the Rena Fishing Camp and we were Gunnar, Henning, Anders, Lise and I. We also knew that Henrik would be there as he was supposed to guide now and then. But a week with dry fly fishing from a drifting pontoon boat is something I always look forward to. This will be a sparse post as I did not take many photos.


We knew from Henriks reports that the water level was low but we were not prepared for how much this changed the river. The level was 5 feet below normal and that made it much easier to wade fish what normally is quite challenging and all our normal hotspots for fish were dry. As the water come from a deep lake the water temperature was actually low around 14 degrees Celsius so in contrast to a lot of other rivers the fish were actively feeding and there was no problem with fishing C&R. If the water temperature hits 20 degrees the fishing will be closed. The air temperature were 26-30 degrees during our stay so we fished mainly in the evening and as the soccer world championship was running we also spent some time watching this.


I mainly aimed for the trouts and everyday we got some nice and strong fighting fish.


When a grayling showed I naturally presented my fly and often succeeded in landing af fish. The grayling quite big as you rarely catch fish below 40 cm and the average fish is 45 cm and they are much thicker and deeper than the fish we get in Glomma.

All the grayling and trout were released but one day Henrik fished for white fish to smoke so that made a nice meal one day. The other days we had to eat big steaks of wagyu beef and other delicious stuff. We must admit  that the eating and drinking is an important part of the trip.



We saw beavers on a regular basis. Normally for safety reasons the beavers nest has its door below the surface but with the low level of water that was spoiled.


We saw most of the beavers in the evening so it was not easy to get a good photo opportunity so this is a more evidence of the beaver than a nice photo.


180701 holmbo trout henrik leth

One day Henrik found a trout sipping mayflies and he got a real beauty around the 58 cm mark.

Release of another nice grayling.

One of the nicer trout caught just before we stopped the fishing one night.

Despite the low level of water we had some very good fishing with the dry flies and we like always had a blast with lots of laughs and we will come back one way or another again.




Cape Cod, week 25 – 2018

This years trip to Cape Cod was more or less with the usual suspects: Thomas, Peter, Carsten and Caspar. We also fished with some of our American fishing buddies Scott and Tom. The procedure was standard as we know where we want to eat and where we and how we want to fish but the weather may force us to change plans. This year the weather was very nice to us as we could go out in our kayaks five days and that is our preferable way of fishing as this often give us the opportunity to sight fish.


We started out on Brewsters Flat which is a  nice place but also quite popular so do not expect to be alone.


Most of the days we went kayaking and sometimes we could not leave the  beach fast enough as there a LOT of sand flies that literally would enter every opening around your ears and eyes.


But when we left the beach the weather was nice the water was clear and we got into fish. Here Thomas is fighting a fish in his shorts and boot outfit.


He lands the fish….



and presents it before the release. As always the big majority was schoolies like this but we saw good numbers of big and very big fish though we did not land them this time but some keepers were also landed.



Like always a lot of horse shoes crabs, here one trying to date our anchor.


One day Thomas got a small striper with a mark. We could not see any number so we just released it again but some scientist want to know more about this.


In very shallow water Scott hooked a nice fish that passed between us.


It turned out to be his first keeper of the year



So he was a happy man presenting his fish before the release.


We met some og our Danish friends several times this time wade fishing. To get to the bar you have to wait for the tide to drop which Jacob had a hard time waiting for but he managed without getting wet.


The ospreys are nesting and with plenty of fish around they have a high success rate in raising the young birds.


We had a good trip with a lot of exciting and many times quite frustrating sight fishing.  Everyday we wade fished I met American fly fishers using my Linekurv so that made me glad and a bit proud.

We had breakfast almost everyday at HangarB at Chatham Airport which by a good margen is the best we have ever tried in the States and we had burritos at the Corner Store and twice we grilled big rib eye steaks at the summer house so the food was good and the beer were cold so we will come back next year.





Fjellerup Strand, 28/4 – 2018

A pontoon trip with 2 x Henrik and Peter to Fjellerup. Nice weather though a bit more windy than the forecast predicted. When we started out we could see some fly fishers wade fishing further down the beach and when we got closer we could see that is was Peter and Carsten so it was time for lies and stories.



After the break Carsten got this nice 50 cm trout.

We stopped at noon and Henrik Mong had landed 4 fish and I got two but all were too small. Henrik Leth lost a bigger fish and had a garfish but no keepers and a nice day at the water.

Stevns, week 16 – 2018

After 6 months without a fishing trip due to my bad shoulders I signed up for five days at Stevns flyfishing for sea run brown trout from pontoon boats. We normally go to Sweden this time of the year but this year we tried something new. In order to lessen the stress on my shoulders when casting I had bought a Hardy Demon 11 foot switch rod #4/5 which I fished with my regular 6 weight shooting head on 14 grams. This turned out to work very well despite the rod is supposed to be loaded with an 18 gram head but that may be fine for switch cast and I has casting overhead. The important thing was that it was a delight to cast with and I could fish all day without too much pain afterwards. I was a jumping happy boy inside 😉

The group was more or less like last year except that Jesper and Knud joined from time to time. I forgot my camera so I did not get many photos but Henrik and Leif took some nice photos that I could use.

The coast at Stevns has many places cliffs and are very beautiful and the bottom looks fantastic



Lars presenting a nice fish from the first day, it was a nice fish but as it had been up spawning it was released.


The water is a bit brackish so now and then an ide will grab the fly. Lars turned out to be the ide expert but I did not get any


Some af the fish were below the minimum size so they were released

It was the first time I fished with my new electric motor a Torqeedo 1003, that worked fine but is quite expensive.

Some of the days were very calm. It was easy to see if fish showed but they were trickier to get to the fly.


As I had not fished for a long time it was a joy every time I was in this situation

Especially when the fish was big enough to keep and not a kelt



From the last day were only Leif and I were fishing and we had the best fishing of the trip as we landed 11 trouts all over the minimum size and 3 times we had a double hook up. I brought back two fish this day as I had promised my wife to get some and they have already been consumed.

We got 27 trouts as a group and I got 13 (you never know if you get the chance to brag again) and my new rod worked very well so for me it was a fantastic trip. The trip was like always with a lot of laughs, good food and something to drink so what could go wrong. I now consider getting a two classes heavier switch rod for my striper and pike fishing and what I can find to fish for. I feel I am back 🙂



Rio Panará Argentina, week 40/42 – 2017

After 3 months without any fishing at all I was very excited about going to Argentina for golden dorados with some of the Bombay guys. I worried about my shoulder but looked forward to visit Argentina for the first time and to fish for dorado as this has been in my dreams for quite a lot of years. We should fish for ten days in Rio Paraná and Christian had arrived some days before as he should stay with the guides and he had lived in Argentina so he had no problem communicating with the locals where I realized that my Spanish is quite rusty.

We had a VERY long trip from Denmark but the guides picked us up in Resistencia airport and had arranged a nice meal at the restaurant at the hotel at 11 pm so we went straight to bed afterwards as we should go fishing next morning. We (Lasse, Carsten, Jonas ,Stefan, Christian and I) fished in pairs so we were three boats with guides (Pablo, Enzo and Dante) and we made a rotation system so everyone fished together.

The Paraná river is a very big river and many big ships transport cargo to and from Paraguay and the Argentinian parts of it. We fished in the very big central river but mostly in the smaller side rivers.


On the way full speed up the river in morning


The fly fishing for dorado involves a lot of casting as we fish to structures in the current typically trees like these.


The dorado rests around the trees and literally attacks the fish from this position. When they are feeding they seem to move around much more and the you may see smaller fish jumping or the dorado showing at the surface.


The first days we found out that we would not catch the dorados in big numbers but our guides also aimed for the bigger ones and that was also the reason we fished this time of the year in the parts of the Paraná river. Everyone had contacts the first day but only a few were landed but the fish were just as beautiful as we had imagined and the take was normally very violent and they put up a good fight. I did not get any fish the first two days but as had chances everyday I thought it was a matter of time until I would get one.


The third day I landed two fish in the 4 kg range and I was very content but I did feel my bad shoulder and my casting became worse especially in the late afternoon as I got tired.


The surroundings were very nice despite the occasionally big ships and the wild life were impressive. We saw  a lot of crocodiles (kaiman), monkeys and giant otters and the bird life was even more impressing.


a howling monkey family where one of the female were carrying a baby monkey on the back.


We also started to get bigger fish up to 6-7 kg and everyone were happy and we were happy for every fish as we knew that you had to work for them.


A regular lunch break at a sand bank. The boats were equipped with app. 100 HP so we moved easily around and we normally sailed 70 – 100 km per day so at night after dinner we were tired as we had almost 12 hours on the water every day.



At lunch we had some nice lunch boxes but two days we were even more spoiled as the guides grilled and then we started with picada, a mixture of cheese, ham and salamis.


After the picada we got meat and some terrific sausages prepared on open fire. No wonder I gained 4 kg in the two weeks.


If you casted your fly into some dead water there were good chances or risks of catching a piranha. Quite strong fish and we got them up to 2 kg but you would not want to remove the fly with your fingers.


Catching a piranha meant loosing a fly. Here a fly before and after a piranha.


Not all dorados were big actually we got them down to 1 kg but they had a good average size.


The fourth day I fished with Jonas and just before sunset he took a few shots as the scenery was very nice. According to Jonas this was the actually cast where the dorado of my life took the fly.


After the take it took a very fast run into the backing where the line went via a big island of weed and I was really worried as Jonas earlier this day had lost a very big fish as the line got into some underwater branches. This may have been my luck as we then were ordered by the our guide Pablo to turn the break on the reel to maximum in order to keep the fish as close as possible to the boat and thereby minimize the risk af having the fly line around stuff in the water. We saw immediately that is was a big fish but it was not until it came to the boat and turned its side to us that we saw the width and depth of the fish and realized that it was huge.


At first it was placed on the front deck but after it was measured it jumped out of the boat and we had to get it in a second time and the we placed it in the back of the boat.


This may not be a perfect photo but it shows how big this fish is, remember I am 195 cm so most fish look small when I hold them


A happy fly-fisher despite I could not lift the fish with my bad shoulders but you can not help but smile big time when you get a fish like this – 18 kg dorado on a fly. The guides call fish of this size and fatness “vaca” which means cow.


The last part of the trip I fished mostly with bait fish due to my shoulders and here we got different species of catfish.


here a three-point cat-fish


This catfish was called something with pata which means duck, and you can see why with its strange mouth


on bait we got many piranhas but we only got one of these – another piranha species


We did not catch any big cat-fish on the live bait – this was the largest.


Almost all the dorado missed parts of the tail due to piranhas



Jonas got this big 10 kg dorado that was a bit less golden than normally – a small man with a big smile


Carsten also got this mullet like fish that took the big dorado fly.


We had to buy and drink this rum. It was not the best but it had dorado on the label.


Stefan got this carp one day at the lunch break thought it was not hooked properly.


In Argentina you have to eat steaks (1 lb.) and drink red wine so we did that very often.


What better way to end this post from the dorado trip…


There is a better way to end the post another beautiful dorado.

I got 10 dorados during 10 days so it is not hard to figure out the stats. I had many more contacts and I really liked the fishing and the area. The guides were great and  partly due to my bait fishing I got seven different species. Everyone got fish and also good-sized fish above 6 kg. and I still can not believe my luck with my  18 kg. dorado. It was camp record for 2017 so a very memorable trip I would love to do again another time.






Rena week 32 – 2017

Like last year a week planned for dry-fly fishing at Rena drifting from pontoon boats. This year I was joined by Henning, Anders, Gunnar, Inge and my wife Lise and we all had pontoon boats. We stayed at Rena Fishing Camp where the plan was to fish, eat drink and have a lot of fun.

Rea is a beautiful river but a lot of places it is hard to wade fish and that is one of the reasons we are very fond of drifting down the river. it also adds variation to the fishing but when you do not anchor up you only get ones shot at a fish.


We fish to fish that feeds at the surface but we also blind fish with dry flies and that can be quite productive when you have learned where to do your fishing. The trouts are wild thoiugh some fish are stocked and they are marked with the fat fin cut off. I have now caught probably more than 200 trout and still haven´t seen any stocked trout. The largest trout are caught at nighttime but we did not fish in the dark so for us nice fish are in the 35 – 40 cm range.


Here Lise has hooked at trout

And presenting the fish before release


I normally fish primarily for trout but when I see a grayling I go for that as well. The average size for grayling is very good as it is around 45 cm. You may kill one grayling and one trout per day and they must be in the 30 – 40 cm range.


The fly I used most of the time was Dyret or the Animal.


It is an imitation of a sedge or a stone fly, not anatomically correct but it works fine.



When you want to release the fish and want a photo I seem to end up with two kinds of photos. One in the net..


or one in the hand. When sitting in a boat alone and  wanting to release it as fast as possible I end up with a bit boring photos.



There is a 5 km stretch that is only for fly fishing and no boat fishing. This is part of the fly zone that is very promising



We typically drifted 10 – 12 km so a bit of logistics were necessary everyday. We managed to transport all 6 pontoon boats inflated on two cars and a trailer.


Inge managed to find a handful of big very good-looking and tasting Karl Johan, one of the best edible mushrooms and we had a fantastic starter one night.


Everyday we started out with freshly baked bread. The eating is an important part of the trip.


  One day Lise was the master fly-fisher as she caught the two largest fish of the day here presenting one of them. We all used my stripping basket but they probably felt that they had to 😉


There are also many birds and we all also saw beavers so always a nice experience in the nature.


   The best fish on the trip was this 1,5 kg trout that I got in the afternoon after Gunnar promised two free flies to the biggest fish of the day.


It was taken on a Dyret like most of my fish.

We were lucky that the wind was very calm almost all the days and only one day rained away. We got a lot to drink and eat and had some nice fishing and a lot of laughs. I only paused one day du to my shoulders so that was Ok and I am sure we will come back next year.



Mariager Fjord 26/7 – 2017

After last weeks trip where we saw a lot of fish Michael and I wanted to try Mariager Fjord once again. We were delayed as there had been an accident on the highway and I worried that we would make it to the tackle shop MB Grej in Hobro as I should pick up a pair of new waders to be worn on the trip. we just made it and we went to another location than last time so we did not have to walk as much. I tried the foam fly again but like last time without success. This evening we only saw a limited number of fish maybe 25 % of the number last time.


Michael excelled once again with a trout 5 cm larger than last time so he is unbeatable at the moment.


And the waders were leaking both in the left and in the right leg so they has to be returned 😦   on the photo you can see my left leg of my shorts and I am not incontinent yet.



Mariager Fjord 19/7 – 2017

An evening trip wading with Henning and Michael on the north side of Mariager Fjord. I fly-fished while the others were spinfishing and we started out with having our dinner which was “Danish smørrebrød” i.e. open sandwiches. Normally they quite tall but as I tripped over a log 5 meters before we arrived at the beach they did not look good and were more the wide kind but the tastes was still fine. As we had our meal we saw several fish jump and this evening we saw many fish and all of them in the 2 -5 lb. range. I fished a foam beetle but without any luck.


Michael got a nice fish and as this was his first sea run brown trout in 10-15 years he wore the big smile.

Cape Cod, week 30 – 2017

I haven´t been fishing for a couple of months to spare my bad shoulder as I hoped that could be ready for our annually trip to Cape Cod and that is the reason that not much happens in the blog. This year I went with Thomas, Peter, Carsten and Henning and we naturally hoped to get to fish with some of our American fishing friends as well. And we did get out with Scott, Tom and Bruce. During our stay Tom became a grand father so it was hard for him to wipe of his smile and congratulation to him and his family.


The first morning we went to Brewsters and we got into a lot of action.  Carsten this morning got 70 stripers which is a new record in one session for our group. It was mostly schoolies but good fun and a good start. Thomas also got a keeper so not only small fish.


We as maybe a bit too often timed the fishing so we could have breakfast at Hangar B at Chatham airport. This is by a big margin the best breakfast place we have tried at the Cape. A bit more expensive but very good.


This is how American pancakes should be served and no matter what we order it looks good and tastes even better. And the coffee is also top-notch I am told as I am not addicted to that.


The next day we went wade fishing on the bars and got many schoolies but also some nice fish and Thomas got this 31 inch fish that later were served with sweet corn, asparagus, potatoes and homemade hollandaise. This we normally do once every trip but we can only do it if we get a keeper.


Thomas and I have bought a tandem kayak and the other guys rented kayaks so we could go on an expedition. The conditions were fantastic high sun on no wind.


The first day in the kayaks Scott really pulled it of as he got all the keepers but we all had a terrific day with sight fishing and a good number of fish in the 25 – 27 inch range.


We had four days where we went kayaking and that is the first time we could do that and especially three of the days we had terrific sight fishing and the last day the fish just kept coming, it was really world-class fishing.


Carsten did not get a keeper but many time she was close and that suited him quite well as he then has an excuse for coming back next year.


The action went on so the time to take photos should be limited.
All fish except one were released and the big number of schoolies promise some good years to come.
Thomas fighting another nice fish in the shallows


and presenting it the standard Thomas way


Peter with a nice fish


Thomas with a big smile and a big fish


A bit blurry but you have to see my life-preserver from the 80´ies. That gave me many remarks maybe I next year should bring shoulder pads and leg warmers.


We had a terrific trip with lots of fish and a good number of keepers but not any really big ones and several days with fantastic sight fishing that we can only hope for and be happy for when it happens. We met our American friends, had some good things to eat and drink so what more can you ask for? We will come back next year for sure.




New test of stripping baskets

The largest Danish sport fishing magazine “Sportsfiskeren” published this month a test of 6 different stripping baskets. 5 of these baskets were designed in Denmark so apparently it is a Danish thing to design stripping baskets. The was the first Danish design to be seen and is still alive and kicking as it was awarded as “most bang for the buck”.

Österlen 19/4-22/4 2017

A pontoon boat trip to the southern part of Sweden for searun brown trout like we have done for some years. We know that we are likely to catch fish and that the average size is way better than in Denmark but we also know that most fish will be kelts on their way to top condition, and sometimes they will be far away 😉

This year 2 x Henrik, 2 x Lars, Torben and Leif made the team. We started out in Denmark but I had to get towed as my car apparently needs oil to run. We thought the problem was solved but the next day we had to call for road help again and we were transferred to a rental service where we switched the car. A break down with a car is always inconvenient cut with a car loaded with two  pontoon boats and outboard engines, tackle and food and drink on the way to a 5 day fishing trip it is VERY inconvenient.


We mad it to Sweden a bit late and we went fishing. The first day we got some nice fish that were below the minimum size (50 cm) like the one on the photo and that was an OK start as we only had half a day.



The following days we fished most of the day and we got more fish like this. They were above the size limit but they clearly had spawned this winter so they were released.


Some were big like this 80 cm fish and as we this year came quite late they had regained a lot of their strength and this one really struggled hard. Actually I thought that it fought so hard that I was convinced that it would be a keeper, but like everything else I got it was released.


A couple of ides or orfes were caught as well. Here Henrik presents a 2 kg and as it was his first he was very pleased though they are not very interesting to fight. Most of the days we had to work hard as the wind speed was app. 10 m/s and therefore we were limited in our choice of fishing spots and quite tired when we returned late in the afternoon.


One morning before the wind picked up I got a small trout. This day I tested an electric outboard from Torqeedo. It is less noisy and seems to have a battery capacity that is big enough for my needs and with a bad shoulder it is a pleasure just to twist the handle to start it. It is expensive but I have ordered one to save my shoulder a lot of work and myself some pain.


The red kite is always seen in this region and it is a very elegant bird that I always like to watch.


Leif shot some video of me landing a fish the last day. It is only the last part of the fight but still nice at least for me

Here presenting the result – a 75 cm trout that still needed to gain some weight but were quite strong.

Despite too much wind and all the problems I had with the car it was a good trip and next time we hope to hit some of the trouts that skipped a spawning season.

Djursland 9/4 – 2017

Our original plans were ruined by the wind so we ended at Kobberhage on Djursland. We were Henrik, Torben and myself and planned a pontoon trip for searun brown trout.

Before we had entered the water we saw the first seal and not the last and as we also saw porpoises several times it was clear that the fish could be stressed and that may explain that the fishermen we met all told that the season had been very bad compared to normal.

After a couple of hours I got a small fish below the minimum size,

soon after I got a better sized fish, it was in the mid 60´es cm but needed to gain a lot of weight to be well conditioned. After lunch we continued but without any luck and these two fish turned out to be the only contacts for us all day.

Mariager Fjord 1/4 – 2017

A trip alone in the pontoon boat to Mariager fjord. Last weekend not much happened and after a couple of hours I thought that this would be the same. But after lundbreak a fish showed at he surface and 15 minutes later a nice trout grabbed the fly and started a serie of jumps.

it was a well conditioned trout that measured 50 cm and 1.51 kg.


It took a worm pattern and when I gutted it I saw that it had feasted heavily on polychaete worms.

Nice fish but not for me :-)

This weekend I was out for the first time in almost 4 months but I did not have much luck. Fortunately others have done better.

In can very much recommend this article from Globalflyfisher (a very recommendable website) about a fantastic sea run brown trout.

And my friend Leif also did well this weekend and he made a smal video

Have fun reading and viewing and hopefully I will come back soon with news of my own


Christmas basket


A non fishing friend of mine returned a Linekurv used for oyster collection to me like this around Christmas. You can not have too many friends like that 🙂

Limfjorden 7/1 – 2017

With a non working right arm due to surgery there will be some time without any fly-fishing.  But the annual oyster trip with Bombay to Limfjorden could be managed. This year we were 8 people attending the trip including a few hangarounds and as usually we had a blast collecting oysters, eating them au naturel, preparing oysters, eating them gratinated in different varieties, having a drink and telling stories.


Stefan presenting an oister ready before release.


Preparing oysters with pickled onions and hot sauce.


Enjoying oysters with its natural companion: bubbly wine, here a cava.




Fjellerup, 4/12 – 2016

A trip in the pontoon boats with Henrik to Fjellerup. I did not have high hopes for this trip as the other Henrik had fished the spot the day before without any luck at all but we gave it a shot despite the cold weather. After a shaky start as Henrik forgot his waders so he had to lend a pair from Jan that luckily lives quite nearby. We fished the spot where Henrik last year got a beautiful 10 pounder and there I got this nice fish around the ½ meter mark.





Later Henrik got a 35 cm fish but then the party was over. After lunch we did not see or feel anything but I was content as this will be my last trip for a while as next week I will have surgery in my shoulder. So I wish everyone a merry Christmas and hope to be able to bring more reports in the year to come – hopefully with a better functioning shoulder.